Designing Coherent Instruction
Google Drawings for Graphic Organizers
Graphic organizers are a powerful learning tool for students. With mind maps, concept webs, Venn diagrams, and more, students can express their knowledge, plan their projects, and explore their content. There are many tools available to create graphic organizers and Google Drawings is a great free option. Learn how students can use Google Drawings to create graphic organizers, use existing templates, collaborate with others, and share the final product.
Earn 2 clock hours
Designing Coherent Instruction
Introduction to Screencastify
Screencastify was chosen as our asynchronous video tool as part of our "Core 4" - the main technology tools we need to be successful in a distance learning environment. Screencastify is a super simple to use tool that can bring the power of instructional videos to your classroom, in a Distance Learning mode and beyond.
Earn 1 clock hour
Designing Coherent Instruction
Mastering GMail
Learn how to manage your email more effectively. Mastering GMail will help you to work more efficiently, and give you the know-how to teach your students how to manage email the right way.
Earn 1 clock hour
Designing Coherent Instruction
Mastering Google Classroom
Learn the basics and more advanced features of this learning management system that easily integrates with all your Google tools and makes communicating, assigning, grading and providing feedback to students a breeze!
Earn 3 clock hours
Designing Coherent Instruction
Mastering Google Drive
Your Google Drive is home for all of your files at LSSD. This course will show you how to navigate your Drive, organize your files and folders, and manage sharing of all of your resources.
Earn 1 clock hour
Designing Coherent Instruction
Mastering Google Slides
MODULE UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND WILL BE AVAILABLE AGAIN SOON! Learn the ins and outs of creating presentations with Google Slides.
Earn 4 clock hours
Establish Culture for Learning
Growth Mindset
Explore what growth mindset means and how to encourage it within your students.
Earn 2 clock hours
Establish Culture for Learning
Making Thinking Visible
This module will begin to explore ideas from the book, Making Thinking Visible: How to promote engagement, understanding and independence for all learners by Ritchhart, Church and Morrison. Explore ways to use questioning and classroom routines to shed light on the thinking happening "under the hood."
Earn 2 clock hours
Establish Culture for Learning
Mastering Google Calendar
Google Calendars offers numerous tools that allow you to organize your personal and professional life. Use calendars as collaborative lesson plan books, keep track of meetings, events, and conversations. You'll even learn how to create appointment slots to allow you to quickly schedule blocks of time such as parent conferences.
Earn 2 clock hours
Communicating with Students
Flipgrid: A Creative Communication Tool
Flipgrid is is a digital tool for engaging and empowering every voice in your classroom or at home by recording and sharing short, awesome videos...together!
Earn 2 clock hours
Communicating with Students
Google Meet: Enhanced Features for Instruction
In this module, you will find details about the updates to Google Meet that have rolled out in the fall of 2020 and how they may help support your instructional goals during live instructional sessions with students during Distance Learning.
Earn 2 clock hours
Communicating with Students
Misconceptions or Making Sense of the World?
In classrooms of all levels, students enter with their own ideas about the world around them... not all of them scientifically accurate! In this module, explore the concept of misconceptions and how they relate to student learning.
Earn 1 clock hour
Communicating with Students
Tools for Translation
It can be a challenge to have a student who is learning English or communicate with families whose native language is not English. There are some simple yet helpful tools that you have access to that can support this important communication. **Completion of this module earns Equity Clock Hours
Earn 2 clock hours
Questioning and Discussion Techniques
Types of Questions to Encourage Critical Thinking
Explore the types of questions that engage students and encourage student-to-student discourse.
Earn 1 clock hour
Engaging Learners
Google Keep in the Classroom
MODULE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND WILL BE LIVE AGAIN SOON! Google Keep is a lightweight note-taking solution that can help you and your students stay organized. Learn how easy it is to get started and increase students' productivity!
Earn 1 clock hour
Engaging Learners
The 4 Keys to Engagement
Read this article that discussed clarity, context, culture and challenge as the keys to engagement and apply them to a lesson you are teaching.
Earn 1 clock hour
Assessment in Instruction
Digital Formative Assessment Tools
Formative assessment is an essential tool for the proficient teacher. This module will introduce you to some of the best FREE digital formative assessment tools to provide you with the feedback you need to meet the needs of all your students. Though the tools are divided into suggested applications, many of the tools can be used for varied purposes.
Earn 4 clock hours
Assessment in Instruction
Formative Assessment: Effective Feedback
What is the most effective feedback we can give our students to boost learning?
Earn 1 clock hour
Assessment in Instruction
Mastering Google Forms
Get instant feedback from students, parents or colleagues with this incredible tool that seems to "do it all."
Earn 4 clock hours
Flexibility and Responsiveness
Digital Annotation with Read and Write for Google
Learn about this new tool that can be used for digital annotation, word prediction or voice tools.
Earn 2 clock hours
Flexibility and Responsiveness
Impact of Poverty on Student Experience
In 2017, Lake Stevens School District began to explore poverty and how it impacts the students in our district living in low socioeconomic situations. Lake Stevens has an achievement gap between students on free and reduced lunch and those who are not that we need to work to close. Explore the resources within this module to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to live in poverty and how the living situation impacts students as they walk through our classroom doors. **Completion of this module earns Equity Clock Hours
Earn 2 clock hours
Flexibility and Responsiveness
Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners in the Classroom
In this multi-section module, you can explore the following topics related to supporting your English Language Learners: understanding levels of language development, strategies for scaffolding learning, and strategies for encouraging academic discourse.
Earn 5 clock hours